Saturday, August 23, 2008
Salute to the Heart & Soul of New Orleans
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Family Concert with Pete Seeger, Tao Rodriguez-Seeger, and Guy Davis
New York, NY
Pinettes Brass Band | |
Hot 8 Brass Band | |
Second Lining through Lincoln Center! | |
Hot 8 with Shamarr Allen | |
Pinettes, Hot 8, and Shamarr | |
Betty Harris | |
Campbell Brothers with Kirk Joseph | |
John Boutte | |
Leroy Jones playing with John Boutte | |
Irma Thomas | |
Irma & Me | |
Pete Seeger | |
A well-travelled guitar case | |
Pete & Guy Davis | |
Guy Davis | |
Pete & grandson Tao Rodriguez-Seeger | |
Tao, Pete, Guy |
Photos copyright © 2008 by Swag